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Get from point A to point B in your vehicle.

Getting around town is crucial for job opportunities and financial freedom. This program will help you qualify for an auto loan and buy a vehicle.

House of Hope and
Veridian Credit Union

Driving Hope Program


Upon completion of the financial education program, you'll have the opportunity to receive an auto loan regardless of credit. You may also be eligible for a $500 scholarship, discounted vehicles and a free car inspection from a local mechanic.


To participate in this program you must:

 Complete Veridian's Money Moves program 




• Participate in House of Hope's financial mentoring program

Upon completion of the programs, you may:

 Have the opportunity to receive an auto loan regardless of
  your credit score. Auto loans range from $3,500 - $4,500
  for 18 months.


• Receive discounted prices on vehicles from a local dealership

  with a free inspection from a local mechanic


• Be eligible for a $500 scholarship* to spend on housing,
  transportation or healthca



* You must complete House of Hope's financial mentorship program to be eligible

Not sure where to start?

We can help! Fill out the form and tell us a little bit about yourself and your goals. We’ll contact you to connect you with the right resources.

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