Additional resources to help you improve your current home.
City of Waterloo
Neighborhood Services and
Development Partnership
Neighborhood Services and Development promotes revitalization of neighborhoods by:
• Increasing awareness of homeownership opportunities
• Approaching housing and other community issues proactively
• Promoting neighborhood efforts
• Serving as an initial link to community resources

Housing Emergency
Repair Program
This program provides financial assistance to City of Waterloo residents who are in a situation where immediate costly repairs to their home are needed to remedy an immediate threat to their health, safety or wellbeing. The funds will be in the form of a grant, loan or a combination thereof.
A grant and/or loan under this program will be determined by the cost of the repair and by the applicant’s adjusted income level for household size when compared to the area median income (AMI). The household income must be below 80% of the area median income to be eligible.
There may be instances in which Community Development Block grant funds may be supplemented with owner contribution funds. Guidelines for Eligibility for the Emergency Repair Program are as follows:
• The applicant must be the deed holder of the property
• Contract buyers are ineligible
• The applicant must be current on their mortgage and taxes
• The household income must be below the 80% income limit
• The property must not be in the flood zone
• The property must be an owner-occupied residential property
located within the city limits of Waterloo

Lead-Based Paint
Hazard Control Program
This program aims to make housing units within the City of Waterloo “lead-safe,” in accordance with the Lead Hazard Control (LEAD) Program. Funding is available to property owners in the form of forgivable loans as long as conditions are met.
It is expected that lead hazard control should average $16,000 per unit. Healthy Homes Supplemental funding will be made available to both Owner Occupied and Rental units on a case-by-case basis. Healthy Homes Supplemental funding may only be made available to those units receiving Lead Hazard Control Grant funding.